Saturday, May 28, 2005

It's the rain again!

Somehow i end up writing too many of these rainy posts. But it has been raining past few days and i 'feel' the most when its raining. And i 'feel' like writing, singing, or listening when i 'feel' the most.

It was raining hard (the kind i like) all evening, but i had to go out and get a few things. I kept waiting for it to mellow down, but my impatience took over for a change. Picked up my umbrella and went out to face the lashing water and the occassional thunder. For some reason, i feel liberated when i'm out in such weather...i feel free, im not sure why. So i walked in the rain in my blue jeans, orange cotton shirt, holding a blue umbrella. But not alone. There were a few more jeans, shirts and umbrellas braving the outpour.

I made my way around the miniature lakes on the footpath that i would have jumped into if i were a 5yr old, walking ahead followed by a bunch of giggling, shouting college kids. I had figured the lower half of my jeans would be wet by the time i returned. And I was wrong. Suddenly out of nowhere i found myself bathed in this huge splash of water, thanks to a double-decker bus. So all of us, me and a few of the kids behind me were pretty much soaked, Bridget Jones style (those who have seen The Edge of Reason will know)! I was a dark blue jeans and dark orange shirt now. The kids started giggling even more and for some weird reason i was happy!

No i didn't turn back and change. I went ahead, soaked almost all over. I didn't get soaked to skin in the rain. But i sure did get drenched...thanks to the rain! :D