Sunday, October 10, 2004

I'm such a chicken!

A few days back, I had a chat with a friend. And this chat-session made me realise... i'm such a chicken!

Well it so happens that this friend of mine is taking a major decision...a decision which can work or fall flat, but she's still going ahead with it. And it is a major decision, not something like what do i have to cook for dinner! She could have continued with the status quo...but is going ahead with walking the unknown path because she wants to and feels strongly about it.

And i kept wondering what would i have done in her shoes, why am i so content with treading the safe path. Will i ever have the courage to break free from this love for security? Do i have it in me to take risks? Can i ever take a detour in life? There's one part of me that craves for something out of the ordinary and there's this other part which holds me back because i feel so secure by being cautious, so comfortable with security. Am i missing out on something bigger because i don't take risks? I don't know...

But i do have a lot of admiration for people who take risks in their life and are nonchalant about it.

Speaking of risks, i was watching this programe on tv the other day. It was about free cimbers (unlike rock climbers or moutaineers they do not use any climbing gears! Remember Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 2?). I mean can you come across bigger risk takers?? They are risking their lives!!And its a passion for them, some kind of adrenaline driven rush.

It's not like bungee-jumping or sky-diving or rope-jumping where you have a harness or something that's going to ensure that you are safe (unless of course you are damn unlucky and its your time and your parachute malfunctions or the elastic or rope snaps!). So all you have is your hands and your feet, no safety harness, no airbags or safety nets awaiting you when you make a wrong move and fall flat onto the ground several hundered/thousand feet below - and i doubt if any kind of safety-net will even work in such a case!

I mean who does that stuff?? Don't these people love their life? What goes on in their heads when they take such risks?? Sometimes when they have to jump from one place to the other on vertical rock surfaces, they are suspended into thin air for several seconds! One wrong move and its THE END!!!

Phew!! And my belief that i'm such a chicken gets reinforced, but then it takes all kinds to make the world!

For those of you who want to know more about climbing, checkout this site